FAQ about Commercial Concrete Pumping

You must look for reliable and efficient ways to complete your construction projects in time as a commercial property owner. A suitable solution to help you achieve that goal is commercial concrete pumping equipment. Here are a few FAQ to shed more light on the topic. Read on. 

How Do These Pumps Work?

A concrete pump is a very useful tool in the construction world. Ideally, it is used for moving mixed liquid concrete to the construction area. The equipment involves a valve coupled with the hydraulic processes.

It all starts from the rotating drum, where all the mixing happens. The end concrete will then be transferred to the hopper that keeps stirring the mixture as it is moved to the building area. From there, the mixture is sucked into the pumping machine for immediate use. The mixture is then laid on the foundation using the valve or auxiliary hose.

In a twin-cylinder option, two cylinders lie parallel to each other. They move to and fro in opposite directions with the help of a drive piston. As one part draws in the liquid materials from the hopper, the opposite one releases the same on the working area. The alternation is vital in preventing the liquid material from drying up.

Are There Concrete Pump Options?

Commercial concrete pumping is available in two options. The first one is the line pump. The pump works by continuously releasing the just mixed material up the hose to the building site above ground level. Ideally, hoses are more flexible than a snake as they can go around the area being constructed and through alleys where the mixing truck cannot reach. They are further subdivided into stationary, truck-mounted and truck mixer options.

The boom pump is another concrete pump that is quite common in the market today. Unlike a line pump, boom pumps move the liquid concrete through the air with the help of a long arm that is remote-controlled. And the arm is comprised of various sections that move like a crane. They are ideal for areas where a line pump cannot reach, like upper floors in a tall building. When not in use, a boom pump can fold back into the truck for easy transportation. A good example of folding configurations is roll-and-fold, which is available in different lengths.

Where Can One Use Commercial Concrete Pumping?

There are various places where commercial concrete pumping applies. You can use it on slab high-rise buildings, building foundations and bridges. Also, concrete pumping is applicable in building dams, parking spaces and in-ground swimming pools, among others.

Commercial concrete pumping is a good option when doing any of the mentioned construction projects. Work with a qualified concrete contractor for further guidance into the process.

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Concentrating on Concrete: A Blog Welcome! I started this blog because I want to help homeowners to identify problems with concrete structures on their property. By quickly recognising potential issues, you will be able to take steps to repair the concrete before things go badly wrong. I'm certainly no expert when it comes to this subject, but I have learnt lots of useful things from the contractor who came out to my home to complete repairs on a concrete wall. I've also done my own research into this subject at my local library and online. I hope you find the articles published here informative. Thanks!

